Current Offerings
Training On-Demand
I have partnered with TrainingToday®, a leading provider of online education programs for employees and supervisors. Each course addresses a specific topic with engaging and interactive presentations, delivering practical advice and clear instructions that trainees will remember long after the training is complete.
From phone skills to handling customer complaints and stress management, TrainingToday’s Customer Service library includes everything you need for your customer service team to provide world-class service. Call TODAY to set your team up for
Training selections include:
Business Writing Skills for Employees
Coaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors
Connect With Customers
Customer Service Skills—How We Can All Improve Customer Service
How to Promote Among Staff
E-Mail Best Practices for All Employees
Effective Communication for Employee Training
Handling Customer Complaints Training
How to Maintain Customer Loyalty
How to Manage Time Wisely—A Guide for Employees
Identifying Customer Needs
Maintaining a Positive Attitude
Making Customers Feel Special
Motivating Employees: Tips and Tactics for Superiors
Phone Skills
Problem Solving for Employees
Stress Management (Multimedia)
The Power of Listening

Fair Housing DVD
“An introduction to Fair Housing – What rental housing professionals need to know in California” was developed for management companies to provide Fair Housing before reporting for the first day on the job. Fair Housing is not a suggestion, not a policy, and certainly not an option. It is the law. In the state of California, all housing is covered by Fair Housing. Whether you are new to rental housing or a seasoned professional, it is essential to stay informed and up to date on the topic of Fair Housing. this video reviews the basics of Fair Housing principles while specifically addressing the additional laws, protections, and agencies in California.
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Available on DVD or On-Demand